WebSlides: Diigo Transforms Bookmarks Once More

Announcing preview of WebSlides – another exciting innovation by Diigo:

WebSlides is an incredibly easy way to convert your bookmarks to slideshows. You can experience WebSlides at slides.diigo.com. You can also see fresh reviews here.

If you like what you see, we would appreciate if you can share Diigo with your friends, and help get Diigo & WebSlides noticed by blogging, bookmarking, digging. It is the appreciation by our users that keep our entire team working day and night, and weekends too 🙂

With WebSlides, Diigo is adding another innovative service to our portfolio of leading-edge tools and services in the area of online knowledge management, sharing and discovery. I promise you will see a lot more innovations from us as we embrace our users’ input and continue to think out of the box and push the envelope.


~ Maggie

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