Diigo Releases Premium Accounts

We are pleased to unveil the Premium Accounts for advanced and corporate Diigo users, who wish to enjoy advanced features, better support, and an ad-free user experience.

After considerable thought, we feel comfortable and confident that adopting a free + premium model for Diigo will allow us to serve our users even better: it will give us more resources to keep on making rapid and continuous improvements, and to provide better customer support.

People who wish to use Diigo for free can still enjoy a free feature set which should be adequate for most users. (In fact, Diigo’s free feature set already exceeds the feature set of other popular online bookmarking services.)

With the support of the Diigo user community, Diigo has evolved into an indispensable tool for many. We are passionate about making Diigo the best knowledge sharing and management platform for individuals, work groups, and companies. Going forward, we would like to continue working with our user community to make Diigo the best product it can be, and we appreciate very much your continued support.