Diigo workshop at Classroom2.0

Steve Hargadon, creator of Classroom2.0, has come up with a good idea: offer a series of local workshops for educators exposing them to web2.0 technologies, and also allowing those already using the tools currently to meet up. They are kicking off their first one this Friday and Sat ( Feb. 1 & 2 ) in San Francisco: http://www.classroom20wiki.com/Local+Workshops

With our personal background, we always have a strong interest in eduction. Through last minute discussion and some joggling of my crazy schedule, I will attend and give a workshop this Sat. morning:

9:30 ~ 10:15 am Track 2: Social Bookmarking and Beyond

Steve interviews Maggie Tsai from Diigo.com, who gives a tour of their Advanced Social Bookmarking program and discusses how Social Annotation goes beyond social bookmarking to enable more productive online reading and collaboration. As more of the learning process involves online reading, research and collaboration, better tools are needed — Diigo was designed with this need in mind.

If you are a teacher or student using Diigo in a classroom setting, please contact us. Love to hear how Diigo is making a difference for you and/or your class. Perhaps I can even showcase and share your story / experience with other educators 🙂 Please drop us an email or post in our user forum!

If you’re in the Bay Area, I’d love to meet you in person. It’s free for educators to attend! Hope to hear from you soon, or see you at the workshop. I cannot wait to meet a bunch of educators who are passionate about learning and exploring ways to integrate latest technology innovation to transform education and make a difference for their students!

~ Maggie