Like Chrome? Have an iPad? Introducing "iChromy" by Diigo ~ Chrome Style Web Browser on iPad

iChromy icon

Looking for a great alternative to Safari on iPad? Miss Chrome on iPad? Introducing “iChromy” ~ Chrome-style web browser on iPad that brings cool functionalities like Tabs on top, Ominibox, Offline Reading List, etc to the platform:

Tabs on top

It’s very easy to open, switch and close tabs


Extra space for content

The address bar will be hidden automatically  when you scroll down the page,  so you will get extra screen space for content.  To show the address bar, just tap the tab again.



Type search keywords or URL in one box.


Open link in new tab

Long press a link and choose different open link options.


Offline reading list

One-click to save a page to the Offline Reading List,  one-click to remove.   Long-press a link to add to Offline Reading List without opening the link.  Offline Reading List is a great way to have pages later, whether offline or online.


Share to different places

Share a page to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Diigo, Instapaper etc.


Context search

Search from context menu directly.



In addition to features, we have made a great deal of effort to make iChromy fast!  Multiple tab browsers on iPad are often slow and prone to crash due to the memory issue.  iChromy reloads tabs dynamically and smartly, so it feels fast even with multiple tabs.

With restrictions on JavaScript engines on iOS, Chrome for the iPad by Google is not likely to be a reality anytime soon.  iChromy provides a great browser alternative for iPad users.  Chrome lovers should feel right at home when they use iChromy.  Lots more enhancements and cool features are forthcoming, so stay tuned!

iChromy V1.0 is now available in the App Store for free download >> Please go check it out, tweet / blog about it and share with your friends!  Thanks!

26 thoughts on “Like Chrome? Have an iPad? Introducing "iChromy" by Diigo ~ Chrome Style Web Browser on iPad

  1. great idea. i really like it…but i have some problems.
    1) i can’t login to evernote…i mean, i can login from the website, but i can’t use the sharing option within the app. ichromy won’t accept my username and password, and i don’t know why. i’ve tried several times.
    2) this is not that important: from, if i choose a product that has more than one photos, i’m unable to switch from one photo to another. it works normally if i use safari or iCab

  2. Propositions for developments :
    – sync bookmarks with safari or Firefox
    – move navigation tabs
    – as “world web browser” download center include in

  3. Hello,
    seems interesting but it would be nice to have some technical information on this tool.
    Is it based on Chromium, it is open source ?


  4. Why is the .com key missing when entering url? Why can’t I tap the top of the browser to scroll to top like on every other app? Otherwise, probably the best browser out there. Memory management is amazing, everything runs incredibly smooth!

  5. YEAH!! I can’t wait to check this out. I loved using my iPad but wanted a way to use my Diigo too! Thank you!

  6. Some bugs:
    new tab blank page is scrollable and that hides the toolbar;
    closing the active tab when toolbar’s hidden leaves a gap to where the toolbar should’ve been;
    tapping the top area doesn’t scroll the page to top;
    newly created background tabs have darker text color;
    cannot connect to IP addresses.

    And some suggestions:
    options to hide system statusbar (and maybe make tapping the tab scroll the page to top, i.e. tapping once shows the toolbar, tapping again while the toolbar is shown scrolls the page to top);
    history functionality;
    better bookmarks and historys matching in omnibox;
    custom search engines (I miss my localized Google…);
    download functionality;
    more detailed options;
    tab animations (who hates eye candy :P?);
    and could it be even faster? Some out-of-this-world rendering methods maybe XD?

  7. It’s a really fast multi-tab browser!
    And I love the Chrome interface
    Would be much better if support Javascript and download.
    Will adding more feature slow the browser down?


  8. Love ichromy but for some reason every time I try to log into my Evernote account, it says my password is wrong.
    Triple checked it and it’s right.

    Any insights?

  9. Wish I’d found before I left my comments about iChromy on iTunes. Having problems logging into my Evernote account via iChromy (keeps declaring login details invalid). Any ideas why?

  10. Pingback: leesbok's me2day
  11. Love this browser and want to use it, but can’t log into Evernote. Will not recognize username/ password. Please fix.

  12. I just installed it and so far so good. One thing I found really annoying is that any URL you enter wants to be google-searched. I can’t enter http://router for example to reach my internal router. I also can’t enter an IP address even with the http:// in front of it. Again, it tries to do a google search.

    I just managed to find a way around this problem though. Save a bookmark on whatever page you are on and go back and change the URL to what you want.

  13. I like iChromly; thanks for making it!

    The Evernote integration does seem to be flawed, though. Like others, I’m unable to login to Evernote via iChromly.

    Andy Wolber

  14. This browser is just amazing!

    But I wonder why you can’t save an image to your photos app. Also textexpander integration would be nice.

    Further, I can’t move any tab. Maybe that would be great. (Why gets a tab transparent?

    And how can we, the users who love it, contribute to get this app more powerful and how can we make sure that it won’t be forgotten like the other browsers out there?

    I also hope that Apple will introduce the feature to change the default browser in iOS 5, but that problem is not your business…

    So, great app guys! Thank you for it so much!

  15. Great! Speed and interface excellent, but very very important, miss the chrome sync function or some chance to import them manually can’t use it without my bookmarks 😦

  16. I love this app. But like most other people I hate that I can’t scroll to the top by touching the status bar. Also, why can’t I manage my history, or delete my cookies and cache.

  17. Guys the Evernote functionality is what I am crying out for. Can you please fix or can anyone else suggest a browser that supports page clipping in Evernote. I like the product but please help me out guys. J

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